Who: BC AventureSmart 
Ambassadors sharing avalanche awareness tips 
Friday 16 January
Where: Boulder Mountain Parking Lot


It’s important to be avalanche aware! If you are planning on heading into the backcountry, you must be prepared. In support of Avalanche Canada’s annual event, BC AdventureSmart will be increasing awareness for outdoor safety, personal preparedness, and incident prevention at The Revelstoke Snowmobile Club Boulder carpark on January 16, 2021.

With an increase in search and rescue incidents during the past 10 months and an increase in outdoor recreation, British Columbians are urged to “get informed before they go outdoors!”

Though it is beautiful, the BC backcountry is remote and can be unpredictable. Severe weather and avalanches are two of its primary hazards, so for any backcountry travel you – and everyone in your group – must be self-sufficient. If you’re travelling in avalanche terrain, ensure that you and your group also have proper avalanche training. No matter which backcountry sport you choose – skiingsnowboardingsnowshoeing or snowmobiling – always be thoroughly prepared before you head out.

Ensure that you:

■      make a plan and leave a plan (AdventureSmart Trip Plan App);

■      understand and recognize weather patterns;

■      can read alpine terrain;

■      know the avalanche dangers;

■      carry and practice with an avalanche transceiver, probe and shovel;

■      check conditions before heading out.

 Ultimately, sound judgment and knowing when to turn around and save it for another day are your most important backcountry survival skills.

For more information contact:
BC AdventureSmart on site: interiorteam@adventuresmartbc.ca / 778-580-6592
BC AdventureSmart Executive: execdirector@adventuresmartbc.ca / 604-671-2241
Visit Avalanche Canada at Avalanche.ca for more detailed information.