by Amber Lane | Nov 9, 2022 | Featured, News, Riding Areas, Wildlife
British Columbia Snowmobile Federation, Keremeos BC — The BC Snowmobile Federation (BCSF) in partnership with the Revelstoke Snowmobile Club (RSC) and the BC Ministry of Forests would like to announce the repeal of the Frisby Ridge Caribou closure effective...
by Amber Lane | Jan 11, 2022 | News, Wildlife
Did you know, the Frisby Ridge Cabin wasn’t always part of the Revelstoke Snowmobile Club? Originally, the cabin was used by the local cross country ski club who held the special use permit for Frisby Ridge. When the ski club chose not to renew its permit, the...
by Amber Lane | Dec 28, 2021 | News, Wildlife
When it comes to the Club’s voluntary caribou closures, the most important thing to note is that non-compliance could result in the expansion of current closure areas or the permanent closure of entire mountains. Revelstoke Snowmobile Club’s involvement with...
by Amber Lane | Feb 25, 2021 | News, Wildlife
There are important BC snowmobile rules and regulations that riders must know when sledding in Revelstoke. Operating a snowmobile on Crown land Traveling on Forest Service Roads Out-of-province insurance and registration requirements Operating a snowmobile on...
by Amber Lane | Feb 7, 2021 | News, Wildlife
Avoid temptation – stay out of snowmobile closure zones In a year where Revelstoke has had inconsistent snowfall, the temptation to enter snowmobile closure areas – where snow remains untouched – is strong but never worth it. Caribou Closures – which...
by Amber Lane | Nov 11, 2020 | News, Wildlife
BCSF received an invite from Yellowstone to Yukon (Y2Y) Initiative to attend a caribou and wolverine workshop for the Revelstoke and Golden area. We encourage our club members to register for the event being held December 2 from 6:30-8:00 PM. Please register in...