Our Members
Love Revelstoke. Love winter. Love the outdoors.
As a community, we promote safe and responsible use of the backcountry. Our members enjoy using the Club’s family friendly facilities and look out for each other on the mountain.
Members are encouraged to:
- Volunteer time for the betterment of the Club
- Take care of all RSC facilities and trails
- Pack in, pack out trash
- Sweep the floor in the cabins
- Shovel off the deck
- Restock the wood bin & cut kindling
Your Membership Perks
There are so many benefits to becoming a member!
Your continued support by purchasing a membership ensures the longevity of the Club. There is strength in numbers when advocating for backcountry access.
- Unlimited trail access to both Boulder Mountain and Frisby Ridge.
- 30% off at Coast Hillcrest Hotel and up to 20% at Boulder Mountain Resort. Just provide your membership number when booking.
- 30% off a sled wrap from Deviant Ink for the first 50 members, email for your discount code.
- “Bring a friend Tuesdays” – On the 1st Tuesday of every month bring a friend for free.
- A Members-only beginner/intermediate level guided adventure with Great Canadian Tours on January 11th, 2025. Cost: $150 plus tax – space is limited to 30 riders, sign up here
BC Snowmobile Federation Member Benefits
Check out the current BCSF membership benefits for up to date partners, including Capri Insurance, Sandman Hotels and Marks Workwear.
Snowmobilers are legally required to have sleds registered in their home district with license plate properly affixed to your machine when riding in BC.
Third Party liability insurance is available through ICBC or your private insurance provider.
Purchase a membership
- Stop by Revelstoke Snowmobile Club’s Welcome Centre located at 4177 Westside Rd.
- RSC Memberships can also be purchased online. Visit our Membership Portal to create or login to your account.
To complete the membership process, visit our Welcome Centre to have your photo taken and Member ID card printed.
Your membership ID card must be scanned at the ticket booths to access the Boulder and Frisby groomed trails.
Family Membership
We offer discounts for the second adult in the same family/ household that signs up per the family pricing listed above. Family discounts are only available by signing up in person or you can email or call us to have them applied to your account.

Liability Waivers
BCSF Membership Terms, Conditions & Waiver
In consideration of this membership purchase, I am now a member of a member club of the British Columbia Snowmobile Federation (the “member club”) and, as such, a non-voting member of the British Columbia Snowmobile Federation (the “BCSF”), the member club and BCSF referred to as the “Parties”, and, accordingly, I agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. This is an application for a trail permit.
2. Upon receipt of application and fees, the BCSF will issue a Non-Voting Membership.
3. Membership permits access only to snowmobile trails managed by the member club I hold the membership, subject to the Parties’ terms and conditions and applicable laws, bylaws and regulations.
4. The Parties reserve the right to refuse or revoke any trail permit issued at any time.
5. The Parties do not guarantee trail service, quality or lack of hazards.
6. The trail permit is non-transferrable and only valid when used by the purchaser or bearer of the pass.
I understand that with my purchase, I agree to the following conditions:
1. I must carry my membership card while using the trails;
2. All trail signs, applicable laws, bylaws and regulations must be abided by;
3. Use of alcohol and/or impairing drugs is strictly prohibited on the trails, prior to use and/ or while using the trails;
4. Danger or damage to snowmobile trails or property must be immediately reported to the nearest BCSF member club;
5. I understand snowmobiling is inherently risky and I freely and voluntarily assume all risks, and my use of the trails is entirely at my own risk;
6. I must carefully read, fully understand and agree to Sections I, II and III.
I hereby agree to release and discharge and keep their respective heirs, agents, successors and assigns of and from any and all liability, loss, injury, disability, death or damage of and from any and all causes of action, suits, debts, damages, costs, claims and demands of any kind whatsoever (including: indemnity claims, costs on a solicitor/ client basis, negligence) against the Parties, the Province of British Columbia, land owners/ occupiers, or any or all of them (the “Releasees” herein), which I have, or which I hereafter may have, for, or by reason of, or arising out of any accident, loss, injury, disability, death or damage occurring during my use of a snowmobile trail.
I understand snowmobiling risks include, but are not limited to: Injuries: possibility of permanent disability, death and injury; Natural hazards: changes in surfaces, ice, bare spots, rocks, stumps, debris, etc.; Man-made hazards: fences, posts, snow making/ grooming equipment, train tracks, roads, snowmobiles, persons, etc.; Extreme, unpredictable weather; Ice, potentially over water bodies; Equipment malfunction; Negligence: the member club’s negligence and/or negligence of others, including employees, agents, independent contractors or representatives of the member club, which includes failure to take steps to prevent risks and hazards; Animals (wild or domestic); Accidents or illness in remote places without medical facilities; Lack of cellular and emergency services; Avalanches; Rockslides; Poor visibility; COVID-19 Exposure and Infection, Visibility changes. *This description is non-exhaustive and unknown or unanticipated risks may result in injury, illness, or death.
In consideration of my membership purchase, I declare that:
1. I am not relying on oral or written representations or statements made by the Releasees, other than what is included in this document;
2. I forever waive my right to any action against the Releasees from any claim of injury, death, damage or negligence;
3. I have had sufficient time to read and understand this document and receive legal advice, or have voluntarily waived my right to do so;
4. I knowingly and voluntarily agree to be bound by all terms and conditions in Sections I, II and III;
5. If any portion of this document is held void or unenforceable, the remaining portion remains in full force and effect;
6. Any litigation involving the Releasees must be brought within the Province of British Columbia;
7. Despite snowmobiling risks, I wish to proceed and I knowingly and voluntarily assume all risk, dangers and hazards.
1. I hereby consent to information collection and communication about BCSF products, services, news, updates, promotions, etc., to the extent authorized under the Personal Information Protection Act.
2. I hereby consent to information collection for BCSF management to perform internal research.
3. I hereby consent to information collection to ensure consistency between records of the Parties.
4. I hereby consent to BCSF disclosing my personal information to third parties providing a benefit, such as SnoRiders Magazine, American Income Life and future program providers.
Your membership purchase denotes agreement to Sections I, II, III and IV above. The purchase represents acceptance of all terms, is legally binding, affecting your rights, including any right to sue or claim compensation.
BCSF Day Pass Terms & Conditions
WARNING: Please review the following document fully and carefully. Purchase of a day pass denotes agreement to Sections I, II, III and IV. This document is legally binding, and affects your rights, including your right to sue or claim compensation.
In consideration of the purchase of the snowmobile day pass with the British Columbia Snowmobile Federation’s (“BCSF”) member club (the “Club” herein) (the BCSF and Club referred to as the “Parties”), the purchaser or bearer of the pass agrees to the following terms and conditions:
1. This is an application for a day pass with the Club;
2. Upon receipt of fees, the Club will issue a single day pass;
3. The day pass permits access to authorized snowmobile trials, subject to the Club’s terms and conditions and applicable laws, bylaws and regulations;
4. The Club reserves the right to refuse or revoke any day pass issued at any time;
5. The Club does not guarantee trail service, quality or lack of hazards;
6. The day pass is non-transferrable and only valid when used by the purchaser or bearer of the pass.
I understand that with my day pass purchase, I agree to the following conditions:
1. All trail signs, applicable laws, bylaws and regulations must be abided by;
2. Use of alcohol and/or impairing drugs is strictly prohibited on the trails, prior to use and/ or while using the trails;
3. Danger or damage to snowmobile trails or property must be immediately reported to the Club;
4. I understand snowmobiling is inherently risky and I freely and voluntarily assume all risks, and my use of the trails is entirely at my own risk;
5. I must carefully read, fully understand and agree to Sections I, II and III.
I hereby agree to release and discharge and keep their respective heirs, agents, successors and assigns of and from any and all liability, loss, injury, disability, death or damage of and from any and all causes of action, suits, debts, damages, costs, claims and demands of any kind whatsoever (including: indemnity claims, costs on a solicitor/ client basis, negligence) against the Parties, the Province of British Columbia, land owners/ occupiers, or any or all of them (the “Releasees” herein), which I have, or which I hereafter may have, for, or by reason of, or arising out of any accident, loss, injury, disability, death or damage occurring during my use of a snowmobile trail.
I understand snowmobiling risks include, but are not limited to: injuries: possibility of permanent disability, death and injury; natural hazards: changes in surfaces, ice, bare spots, rocks, stumps, debris, etc.; man-made hazards: fences, posts, snow making/ grooming equipment, train tracks, roads, snowmobiles, persons, etc.; extreme, unpredictable weather; Ice, potentially over water bodies; Equipment malfunction; Negligence: the Club’s negligence and/or negligence of others, including employees, agents, independent contractors or representatives of the Club, which includes failure to take steps to prevent risks and hazards; Animals (wild or domestic); Accidents or illness in remote places without medical facilities; Lack of cellular and emergency services; Avalanches; Rockslides; Poor visibility; COVID-19 Exposure and Infection; Visibility changes. *This description is non-exhaustive and unknown or unanticipated risks may result in injury, illness, or death.
In consideration of my day pass permit, I declare that:
1. As a day pass user, I am unfamiliar with the trails, which may subject me to greater risk;
2. I am not relying on oral or written representations or statements made by the Releasees, other than what is included in this document;
3. I forever waive my right to any action against the Releasees from any claim of injury, death, damage or negligence;
4. I have had sufficient time to read and understand this document and receive legal advice, or have voluntarily waived my right to do so;
5. I knowingly and voluntarily agree to be bound by all terms and conditions in Sections I, II and III;
6. If any portion of this document is held void or unenforceable, the remaining portion remains in full force and effect;
7. Any litigation involving the Releasees must be brought within the Province of British Columbia;
8. Despite snowmobiling risks, I wish to proceed and I knowingly and voluntarily assume all risk, dangers and hazards.
1. I hereby consent to information collection and communication about BCSF products, services, news, updates, promotions, etc., to the extent authorized under the Personal Information Protection Act.
2. I hereby consent to information collection for the BCSF management to perform internal research.
3. I hereby consent to information collection to ensure consistency between records of the Parties.
4. I hereby consent to BCSF disclosing my personal information to third parties providing a benefit, such as SnoRiders Magazine, American Income Life and future program providers.
REMINDER: Purchase of a day pass denotes agreement to Sections I, II, III and IV. This document is legally binding, and affects your rights, including your right to sue or claim compensation.
Weather & Highway Conditions
- Local Forecast
- BC Highway Cams
- Drive BC