BC Snowmobile Rules and Regulations

BC Snowmobile Rules and Regulations

There are important BC snowmobile rules and regulations that riders must know when sledding in Revelstoke. Operating a snowmobile on Crown land Traveling on Forest Service Roads Out-of-province insurance and registration requirements   Operating a snowmobile on...
Caribou Closures: The risk of a motorized ban

Caribou Closures: The risk of a motorized ban

Avoid temptation – stay out of snowmobile closure zones In a year where Revelstoke has had inconsistent snowfall, the temptation to enter snowmobile closure areas – where snow remains untouched – is strong but never worth it. Caribou Closures – which...
Boulder Parking Update

Boulder Parking Update

Dear RSC Members, Sponsors, and Riders   We understand that the current parking situation at Boulder Mountain is frustrating, and we appreciate everyone who has reached out to share their concerns. We know how important this area is to our riders, and we want to...